
L3 Teaching Assistant Vacancy
Full Time Permanent position
To commence October 2024
Closing date 1st October 2024
Interview date tba
All application forms to be sent direct to 
Please see links below to download a recruitment pack and application form
Parent Governor Vacancy 

There is a vacancy for a parent governor for Farway and Branscombe School on the East Devon Local Advisory Committee within the Link Academy Trust and I am writing to invite nominations to fill this vacancy. Please think about becoming a governor or encouraging others to volunteer.

Parent governors are welcomed as valued members of the governor team and play an important role; the Local Advisory Committee works together as a group, meeting at least once every half term. Together they are responsible for promoting high standards of educational achievement and ensuring our resources are used to maximum impact. Life as a governor is interesting and varied and we feel sure that there are parents prepared to take on this important role and give their time and commitment to helping us to continue to improve the school's performance.

Training and support will be available to help you develop into the role. This will include in­house mentoring and support as well as access to external governor training, those new to being a governor are expected to attend induction training. The term of office for parent governors is 4 years. For further information about the role please get in touch with the Trust’s Governance Professional, Charlotte Roe who will be happy to help.

If you would like to stand for election, please complete the nomination form linked below and return to the school office no later than 9am on 27th September 2024 If you wish you can include a few details about yourself and why you would like to become a governor (not exceeding 100 words). This will then be circulated to all parents to help them decide who to vote for if an election is required. You do not have to complete this section, but if you don’t you may put yourself at a disadvantage if there is an election. An election, by secret ballot, will be held if more nominations are received than the number of vacancies. If an election is needed details of the procedure will be sent to all parents.

Nominations must be from parents or carers with children at the school on the day that nominations close. The enclosed sheet summarises the disqualification criteria to serve as a governor. Anyone standing for election must certify that he/she is not disqualified for any reason. Parents/carers who have paid employment in the school for 500 hours per academic year or more are not eligible to stand in these elections